My memories of PPP (Pimpette Phi Pimpette) ain't good ones due to the STRIKE towards the end....ROFLMBO. Mama Edie you were gone by that time, so you were part of the Good Memories....LOL. We gotta get Djbigco to get in here, he was my main buddy during the strike...LMBO

Other then Me and Mama Edie, here are some of the members of PPP (Pimpette Phi Pimpette) and The Bad-n-Sexie's...Not all of the members, but some of them...


GLOW...The Founder and President






Now here are some of the members of The Bad-n-Sexie's...We went on strike against PPP, just before Glow shut down PPP, although there is still a page on Yahoo 360....ROFLMBO






Over the years, i have been often asked what is PPP and what did we do...LOL. Well i'm sure glad i found this qoute by Glow because she explains it better then i ever could....LOL


Hmm, so what is it WE do? PROXENETISM... ppp /prok SEN it ism/ n. Pimping performed by a female.

Used in a sentence:

"Nobody in the small town where she grew up would have guessed that Dorothy's much-vaunted matchmaking abilities at the penny social would eventually lead her to the far more lucrative world of proxenetism in the big city."

The ladies of ~PPP~ would like to extend an invitation to the good looking brothers who'd like to obey a woman's demands. That's not much to ask is it?

We are looking for clean spintries for our clients. What's a spintry you ask? A spintry /SPIN tree/ n . A male prostitute. If you feel you have what it takes please send the ladies of ~PPP~ a note.

This isn't for the weak hearted. You will be watched at every phase of execution before you can have a date with our esteemed clients. Your stepping stone would be to the cheapstakes like Big Shirley, Fat Pat and Big Boned Brenda.

The next level would be the ugly college chicks that can't get dates to the frat parties.

Then it's on to Sexy Shelia, Sultry Sandy, Luscious Lolita, Lickable Lynn and our other high paying clientale.

Of course the Ladies of ~PPP~ will pay you nicely for your services! But if you fluck up you have to start all over again.

Now let's get paid!

Ladies if you need a date tonite you can choose from our clean, disease free spintries on the list. Send us a note or give us a call at 1-800-PIMPETTE and we'll hook you up with one of our ~BadNSexy~ men tonite.

This page is for entertainment purposes only (for fun and games), if you are easily offended please click the red X to the upper right hand corner of this screen. Cause you are PRESSED.

Lawdddddd we had to much fun....ROFLMBO

The White Lady was they so called When Glow brought The PPP's and Bad-n-Sexi's to Yahoo 360 she reintroduced The White Lady...Here was my response....ROFLMBO

* SoleMannKing

Ahhhhhhh how could i forget Miss White Lady....Remember what happened between us in 2004....WINK
Shhhhhhh i won't tell nobody baby....LOL

Friday November 3, 2006 - 05:04am (EST)


When we went on strike in 2004, we felt that we needed protection ourselves, so i went out and got BRUNO....ROFLMBO. His first act of business was beating Glow up and putting her in the Hospital....ROFLMBO. She will deny it to this very day, but he scared the living mess out of her.....BWAAAA HAHAHAHA


Glow would kill me if she saw this...I DON'T CARE, I DON'T WORK FOR HER ANYMO....ROFLMBO

PPP got it's start around 2003 on the now closed down Urbandour site...A lot of us met through that site and it's where we had our greatest fun with PPP....Urbandour shut down around 2005, Glow attempted to revive PPP on Yahoo 360 in 2006, but by that time it had played out and THE STRIKE didn't help any....ROFLMBO

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This is from the BadNSexi's Dates for Nov. 3, 2006 Logbook....SMH/LOL

The Footman--Solemann-report to the Baymont Inn Midnite meeting with Crackhead Kelsey (hey you shouldn't be talkin smart!)

The Smoocher--The One-report to the Hyatt-Regency 7:19 p.m. meeting with Chubby Cheryl (this is an all day event)

The Babyfaced Lover--Curt-report to the Super 8 Motel 8:14 p.m. meeting with Pimplefaced Patty

The DJ--DJ-report to the Marriot Inns and Suites 10 p.m.meeting with Seductive Sade

Oh So Smooth--Smooth-report to the Triple 6 Motel 8:18 p.m. meeting with Monster face Mary

Mr Love Yo Body Right--Ceddie-report to Motel 32 5 p.m. meeting with Fat Pat, Big Shirley and Big Boned Brenda (take snacks and this IS an all day event)

Deshaun--reports to Baptist Hospital in Memphis b/c he talked crazy to Miss White Lady

See it was mess like this that caused us to go on strike in the first place, but we was already on strike when that came out....ROFLMBO
No WONDER yall went on strike!!!!! "Deshaun--reports to Baptist Hospital in Memphis b/c he talked crazy to Miss White Lady.."
Ohhhh this is too's just too GOOD Solebaby!!!! Hahahahahahahahaha AhhhhhHaaaaaaHaaaaa HAAAAAA!!!

This is the best forum discussion that I've seen in a looooooong time! All the perfect elements that I got it down PAT!!!! Thank you sooooo much put your foot in this one!

I especially love seeing Glow and everybody! Whoa!!!! And that quote!
I'm loving this to the MAX!!!! It makes me think about Foxy too...*sigh* We had so much fun. I'm surprised you didn't put Hoppi in here...HAROFLMBO!!!!! I'm going to ask her if she has that graphic she made of her in the middle of the planets when we were new PPP's...ROFLMBO!!!!!

Ohhhhh this is fire!!!!! Thanks again...*clapping* Bravo!!!!!
"My memories of PPP (Pimpette Phi Pimpette) ain't good ones due to the STRIKE towards the end.."

Well, i went to Ebonyvoices to get Hoppi's pic and was greeted by a Gremlin....LMBO... R.I.P Gremlin Cat.
Huh??? LOL!!!! Let me get you a pic...smh...let me go see the gremlin...LOLOL!!!!
BwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaHaaaaaaaaaaaa Tigra sho' do look like Stripe...LOL. I am rollin and screaming over here...lawd stop!!!!!! I can't take it!!!! LOLOLOL!!!!
The White Lady was they so called When Glow brought The PPP's and Bad-n-Sexi's to Yahoo 360 she reintroduced The White Lady...Here was my response....ROFLMBO

* SoleMannKing

Ahhhhhhh how could i forget Miss White Lady....Remember what happened between us in 2004....WINK
Shhhhhhh i won't tell nobody baby....LOL

Friday November 3, 2006 - 05:04am (EST)


When we went on strike in 2004, we felt that we needed protection ourselves, so i went out and got BRUNO....ROFLMBO. His first act of business was beating Glow up and putting her in the Hospital....ROFLMBO. She will deny it to this very day, but he scared the living mess out of her.....BWAAAA HAHAHAHA


Glow would kill me if she saw this...I DON'T CARE, I DON'T WORK FOR HER ANYMO....ROFLMBO
The Fabulous Hoppi

BwaaaaaaaaaaHaaaaaaa Haaaaaa!!!!! I sure didn't see the updates....ROFLMBO


Remembering Q

E.FM Radio Spotlight

Quincy Jones is thoroughly entwined in the musical background of my young adulthood. A genius of unique quality. I have been posting blogs and music throughout the years and decided to embark on the arduous but satisfying task of gathering some of it to remember the excellent legacy that he left.
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E.FM Radio Spotlight

The history of the Butlers/Raw Soul is dense, but for all of us music nerds, that's normal. It is not totally clear what year the Butlers actually formed but they released their first single in 1963 on Liberty Records. That single was "She Tried To Kiss Me" and another single followed on Guyden entitled "Lovable Girl." After the Guyden single the Butlers took a break not recording another record until the single "Laugh, Laugh, Laugh" was released on the Phila label in 1966. The group also backed Charles Earland and Jean Wells on one Phila single ("I Know She Loves Me"). 

As you might be noticing, the Butlers were doing a fair amount of recording but not achieving much success. The group's recordings sold regionally but never had the promotion to make an impact on the national scene. After the single with Phila, the Butlers moved to the Fairmount label (part of the Cameo-Parkway family) and released a handful of singles, some being reissued singles of the past. The Butlers were with Fairmount for 1966-67 and then moved to Sassy Records. Sassy released the group's greatest single (in my opinion) "Love (Your Pain Goes Deep)" b/w "If That's What You Wanted." A copy of that 45 sold for just under $500 last summer on eBay. Even though that isn't that much in the world of record collecting--it's still a hefty sum. The Butlers released another single on Sassy ("She's Gone" b/w "Love Is Good") that appears to be even 
harder to come by then the "Love (Your Pain Goes Deep)" single.


The true history become a bit blurred here as the AMG biography states that the Butlers last record was released on C.R.S. in 1974 (". However, between 1971 and that single, Frankie Beverly formed a group called Raw Soul and released a number of singles. Some of the songs recorded by Beverly during this period are "While I'm Alone," "Open Up Your Heart," (both on the Gregor label) and "Color Blind." "Color Blind" was released by the Eldorado label and rerecorded by Maze. Beverly's big break came when Marvin Gaye asked Raw Soul to back him on a tour. Gaye helped Beverly/Raw Soul get a contract at Capitol. Beverly decided to take the group in a different direction, a name change occurred, and Maze was created. 

The above isn't the most complete history of Beverly but hopefully someone will know a way to get in touch with the man or his management because a comprehensive pre-Maze history needs to be done on Frankie Beverly (his real name is Howard, by the way). Below you'll find every Frankie Beverly (pre-Maze) song available to me right now ("Color Blind" will be up soon). 

If you have a song that is not included below, shoot it over to funkinsoulman (at) and it will go up in the next Frankie Beverly post (later this week--highlighting Maze). Also, if you have any more information please share your knowledge. The Butlers material has been comp-ed sporadically (usually imports) but the entire Maze catalog has been reissued and is available. 

Enjoy.  "She Kissed Me" (Fairmount, 1966 or 1967) 
 "I Want To Feel I'm Wanted" (not sure which label or year) "Laugh, Laugh, Laugh" (Phila, 1966) "Because Of My Heart" (Fairmount, 1966 or 1967)
 "Love (Your Pain Goes Deep)" (Sassy, 1967)
 "If That's What You Wanted" (Sassy, 1967)

Frankie Beverly is one of those cats that has lasting power. He started in the music business doing a tour with doo wop group the Silhouettes and then formed his own group called the Blenders. The Blenders never recorded a single, Beverly wouldn't appear on wax until forming the Butlers a few years later. Along with Beverly, the Butlers included Jack "Sonny" Nicholson, Joe Collins, John Fitch, and Talmadge Conway.

Beverly would later enjoy great success fronting Maze and Conway would become a
well-known penning Double Exposure's
"Ten Percent" and the Intruders' "Memories Are Here To Stay." 
 While Maze is a phenomenal group, Beverly's work before that group will always stand out as his best (imo).
The Butlers produced tunes that most Northern Soul fans would kill for and Raw Soul gave the funksters something to pursue. The Butlers recorded their first single in 1960 titled "Loveable Girl". Left to right John Fitch, T Conway, Frankie Beverly, Sonny Nicholson and Joe Collins. 

Frankie Beverly12/6/46 - 9/10/24

Power...Through Simplicity ♪♫♪



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