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The Origin of Chicago Steppin'

Posted by Edie Antoinette on December 17, 2007 at 6:30pm 1 Comment

Only Love Remix

Chicago Steppin'

Steppin originated in Chicago's African American community as a dance formerly referred to as the BOP, a smooth calm dance of striding, gliding, dipping, and dabbing to music by popular African American big bands and singing groups during the late 50's and early 60's. Events were hosted at places like Chicago's Savoy, The Club Delisa, The Time square, The Checkerboard, etc.

There were also the famous Rent, Quarter, Waist-line, or Basement parties on a smaller neighborhood scale. There were two select groups of Chicago Boppers in the late 50's and early 60's, who most would agree to be the forerunners of Steppin. They were called *Gousters and Ivy Leaguers: young African Americans from Chicago's West and Southside communities, separated only by fashion and style of dance. Gousters were cool and suave with an adopted style of fashion from the notorious Gangsters of the 40's and 50's,ie., baggy suits (think Zoot) and pleated pants, and were cool, calm, and collective.

Ivy Leaquers were…

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The History of Bopping

"This is me in June of 1969 on my way to the senior prom. It looks like I'm looking back on my youth and the innocence of those times, right before embarking on life up to now. Now...filled with calamity, happiness, unexpected events (Ecclesiastes 9:11), treasures, losses, ups, downs, laughter, tears, and on and on. I be looking---crazy! [insert laughing] Through it ALL my God, Jehovah, has been with me (even when I didn't know who He was yet). (Psalms 83:18) Am I grateful. I am happy as a lark---despite surrounding circumstances. I have that same hopeful look in my eyes 'now' 55 years later, as I live the 'best' life EVER ... and head towards even 'better' days in God's new world."

Reflections By Edie Antoinette

Remembering Phyllis Hyman

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I remember Daddy...when I hear a lullaby
When I see the Golden Statue
When a heartbreak makes me cry.

When I hear a touching opera
or I read a thrilling book,
When I wonder what a word means
and in Webster’s I must look.

Thinking back upon McHenry
And the worms upon the hook,
How I long to hear his laughter
In his eyes I long to look.

Very gently he would teach me,
when I’d ask about the rain
He would hold me on his
shoulders and explain away my pain.

In the shadows of the moonlight,
Whispers softly from a dove
serenading thoughts of Daddy,
Humble memories of love.

Silent passages recalling
all the things my father said,
How he ‘loved’ to give me lectures
As I’d lie upon my bed.

Even though I don’t have Daddy
In my heart, remains that beloved man,
Yes...I do remember Morgan
And I’m glad that he loved Ann.

Morgan Iverson Jr. 1928-1975

© Edie Antoinette


Remembering Q

E.FM Radio Spotlight

Quincy Jones is thoroughly entwined in the musical background of my young adulthood. A genius of unique quality. I have been posting blogs and music throughout the years and decided to embark on the arduous but satisfying task of gathering some of it to remember the excellent legacy that he left.
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Power...Through Simplicity ♪♫♪



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